News from The LSGO of Ohio

Fall 2023
Update to the giving deadline: The State of Ohio recently updated the legislation to specify that donors can make a gift to an SGO and qualify to receive the tax credit at any time before they file their taxes for the year. For example, to qualify for the tax credit for tax year 2023, a donor may make a gift at any time during calendar year 2023 OR at any time prior to filing their 2023 taxes before 4/15/24.

July 2023

Mr. Joshua Malave has been hired as Director of The Lutheran Scholarship Organization of Ohio. Contact Mr. Malave at

October 2022

The Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization of Ohio is now recognized as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

October 25, 2021

The Cleveland Lutheran High School Association (CLHSA) is pleased to announce the launch of the Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization of Ohio.

The LSGO of Ohio’s purpose is to raise scholarship dollars for students to attend Lutheran high schools and elementary schools throughout Ohio. The LSGO of Ohio’s scholarships will primarily be awarded to low-income students whose household income is under 300% of the poverty threshold. Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs) were just recently brought into existence in the most recent Ohio legislative session.

Contributors to the LSGO of Ohio will be given a nonrefundable tax credit for their contributions; the tax credit will be able to be applied to their Ohio state income tax liability, dollar-for-dollar, up to $750 (or $1,500 for couples who are married filing jointly, where each person separately donates $750 or more). 

As of January 2022, The Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization (LGSO Ohio) has filed with the Internal Revenue Service to be recognized as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Stay tuned for more information about the LSGO of Ohio, including how to make a gift, benefits to students, and our work with Lutheran schools across the State of Ohio.